The Mongolian pop knot 2.0 by Pop Haydn - Trick
Inkl. MWST,
Pop Haydn is a six-time award winner at the world-famous Magic Castle in Hollywood.
This is one of his signature routines, first created in 1968 when he was working as a street performer in New York City. It is eight solid minutes of amazing magic, comedy, and charm.
This DVD contains HD video of Pop's ;live performance of the routine on a large stage, plus step by step explanations of the props, moves, routines, and performance, and a .PDF file of Pop Haydn's Mongolian Pop Knot booklet with photo's, instructions and patter as a study aid.
The routine is easy to learn and do, and as professionals require, packs small and plays big. It has no angle problems, and Pop has performed it surrounded and close-up, as well as on stage in front of 8,000 people.
The routine is strong and fools even those laymen who are familiar with rope magic. It is a classic routine that has influenced many.
Here you get Pop's thinking and performance tips honed by many thousands of performances of this routine over the last 35 years. This routine and Pop Haydn's Comedy Linking Rings have been a featured part of pop's famous " Teaching Act," and have been his favorite two magic routines throughout his long career.
Whether working on cruise ships, comedy club stages, trade shows, private parties or theaters, this routine always entertains and delights the crowd.
This is one of his signature routines, first created in 1968 when he was working as a street performer in New York City. It is eight solid minutes of amazing magic, comedy, and charm.
This DVD contains HD video of Pop's ;live performance of the routine on a large stage, plus step by step explanations of the props, moves, routines, and performance, and a .PDF file of Pop Haydn's Mongolian Pop Knot booklet with photo's, instructions and patter as a study aid.
The routine is easy to learn and do, and as professionals require, packs small and plays big. It has no angle problems, and Pop has performed it surrounded and close-up, as well as on stage in front of 8,000 people.
The routine is strong and fools even those laymen who are familiar with rope magic. It is a classic routine that has influenced many.
Here you get Pop's thinking and performance tips honed by many thousands of performances of this routine over the last 35 years. This routine and Pop Haydn's Comedy Linking Rings have been a featured part of pop's famous " Teaching Act," and have been his favorite two magic routines throughout his long career.
Whether working on cruise ships, comedy club stages, trade shows, private parties or theaters, this routine always entertains and delights the crowd.
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