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Jesus is Risen by Top Hat Magic - Trick


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Ask a friend "What do you think is the most quoted Bible Scripture?" Most will say John 3:16.

Show the stack Cards with the words "Jesus Died For US" and the cross with Jesus on the cross on the top card. Read John 3:16 and then have them marked through the words "the world" and have them write their name instead. Let's say their name is Matt. "For God so loved Matt that he gave his one and only son" This will help bring home the truth of God's love for "Matt."

Turn the stack over and remove their card, placing it face down in front of them.

Talk about how Jesus rose from the dead. Turn the card over and show that Jesus is no longer on the Cross in the picture and the words "Jesus Died For Us." Now say "Jesus Is Risen!!"

You then give the card away for them to keep. The back of the card is blank. You could write a contact name and number or an event at your church. An invitation to church Sunday, It's your choice of what you want on the back of the give-a-way.

Approximately 22 cards. Refills are available

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