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Woodland (black) Playing Cards


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten


Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

We love playing cards and designed these to be a truly unique deck that is as fun as it is functional. Each vibrant card is inspired by charming 1950's illustrations found on posters, children's books, and matchbook covers. The Court cards feature different animals found in the Northeastern USA: a bear King, a fox Queen, a deer Jack, and a raccoon Joker. No two cards are exactly the same.

Quality, playability, and handling are important to us, so we solicited advice from cardists, magicians, and enthusiasts. As a result, our decks are all printed by The United States Playing Card Company on classic embossed Bicycle® stock. They make excellent stocking-stuffers, or a unique gift for all occasions.

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