The School of Cool by Greg Wilson and Big Blind Media - DVD
Gregory Wilson’s THE SCHOOL OF COOL - 24 Mad Skills and Stunts to Make You Stand Out From the Crowd.
Spend some time with Gregory Wilson and turn yourself into the kind of suave and effortlessly debonair sophisticate that turns heads and draws gasps everywhere they go.
World renowned magician, pickpocket, trickster and all-round scamp Gregory Wilson invites you to attend THE SCHOOL OF COOL! A DVD jam packed with teachings on all those crazy skills you always wanted to learn but didn’t know how.
Walk a coin down your knuckles… shoot a playing card high in the air… break a pen lid with JUST your little finger… make a coin defy gravity and fall UPWARDS… spin a pen on the back of your fingers… Twenty five primo-ace slabs of AWESOMENESS await you.
The skills taught on this DVD will allow you to look like nothing less than an ice-cool urban ninja. Using items from the dusty recesses of your pockets (we’re talking pen lids, coins, credit cards) and the venerable weaponry of the incorrigible hustler – a deck of playing cards - you can be prepared to unleash the ‘awesome’ in any environment.
It’s class time at The School Of Cool.
Triple Coin Catch
The Coin Roll
Muscle Pass
4 Coin Rolldown
Heads Or Tails?
Acrobatic Ring
Pen Cap Ninja
The Globetrotter
Simple Switch
The Advanced Pen Spin
Rubber Star
The Pen Spin
Corner Kick
Stunt Spin
Double Spread
Stunt Double
Daryl’s Hot Shot Cut
One Handed Shuffle
Springing The Cards
Ribbon Spread
Charlier Cut
Flick Up
Charlier Twist
TG Murphy’s Triple Cut
Gute Moves und gute Erklärung à la Gregory Wilson
Ich war schon immer ein Fan von Mr. Wilson und mit dieser DVD bringt er jeden Anfänger so wie Fortgeschrittenen die wirklich netten und schon fast atemberaubenden Stunts auf anschauliche Weise näher. Vor allem den "neuen" Muscle Pass werde ich mit Euro-Münzen sehr oft vorführen, weil der normale Muscle Pass die kleinen Münzen nicht wirklich hoch befördert! 5 Sterne und klare Kaufempfehlung von mir!Bewertung -
Genau das richtige für jeden Anfänger und Fortgeschrittenen, welcher mit ein paar Stunts das Thema auf die Zauberei lenken will.Bewertung
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