CIB: Cards In Bag (Gimmicks and Instructions) by Dominique Duvivier
Unglaubliche Vorhersagen
Dominique Duviviers neue Sensation !!!
Es täuschte Penn & Teller in Penn & Teller: Fool Us.
Unglaubliche Möglichkeiten:
Stellen Sie sich vor, das Deck wird sowohl vom Magier als auch vom Zuschauer in alle möglichen Richtungen gemischt (einige aufgedeckt, andere verdeckt). Magischerweise sind jetzt alle Karten verdeckt, außer ein paar von ihnen. Mit ihnen können Sie unglaubliche Enthüllungen machen:
- Sie können Karten vorhersagen
- Oder finde die vier Asse
- Und decken Sie frei gewählte Karten auf!
- 2 Decks Bicycle Rider Back
- Eine Stofftasche
- englischsprachige Anleitung mit vielen Anwendungen
- Einschließlich der Methode von Christian Engblom
- Tipps und Bonus
- Ein revolutionäres Konzept.
- Ein Geheimnis, das seit über 40 Jahren eifersüchtig gehütet wird.
- Sehr einfach zu machen.
"(...) Dominique performed CIB to me at Le Double Fond years ago. (...) I didn't understand how it was done at the time (...). Recently, Dominique gave me one (it was my birthday), and I was in complete shock !"
- Gaëtan Bloom
"The great Dominique Duvivier first showed me "C.I.B." back in 2002, in Madrid. I was more than fooled! The truth is the impossibility of this miracle haunted me for years. I simply had no explanation. It was MAGIC. And it is MAGIC!"
- Christian Engblom
"The fantastic routine, C.I.B., is another diabolical classic from the mind of Dominique Duvivier. The routine has it all. It's practical, self-contained. It's easy to do and it fools everyone... including Penn & Teller. Perhaps the best part is that is an extremely unusual plot that makes it stand out in any show. You will use this masterpiece for years to come!"
- Bob Kohler
"It's an extreme rarity when an entirely new effect is created and it's equally rare when an entirely new method is created. C.I.B. combines both of these. It is not only a startling new and ingenious effect, but it also introduces an incredibly clever and utterly original method. This miracle is one of the great things to come along in the last 20 years."
- Bill Kalush
"Duvivier puts in your hands, not just a fantastic triumph, but a potent weapon that is sure to improve many of your existing routines as well."
- Dani DaOrtiz
CIB is a Russian doll: the more we open, the more we become crazy!
- At first, we face a high quality packaging
- Then we find ourselves with a complete kit
- Then we discover that the trick is devilish
- Then we understand the universality of the kit
- Then we notice that there is no sleight of hand at all
Bravo for this jewel and thank you for having made it available for the amateurs or pros who can perform it with great success to the amazed spectators.
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