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Art of Astonishment Volume 1 by Paul Harris


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten
Teil 1 der Buchreihe mit Paul Harris' Klassikern und neuen Kreationen.
Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage


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All 3 volumes must be ordered separately. This is Volume 1.

The three-volume set of books contains all of Paul`s classics, updated and refined, as well as 73 brand-new creations! All in all, these books (all together) contain over 900 pages of Paul Harris including a ground-breaking essay discussing the feeling of astonishment as our natural state of mind. There are also six conversations with Eric Mead about effects that are too weird even for Paul.

A Total of 222 Effects
73 Brand New Creations

Pages 312 - Hard Bound

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