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Ag47 By Rajan


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten
Diese DVD zeigt 5 von Rajans Top Münzeneffekten.
Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

This DVD covers 5 of Rajans top set working coin effects. Effects that Rajan performs on a daily basis and has done for over 20 years!

- 5 Killer coin effects!
- Super visual
- Honed to perfection over thousands of real world performances!
- Easy to master!
- Guaranteed crowd pleasers
- Not one coin gimmick in sight!
- Super Bonus Section

"Such elegant magic and surprisingly easy to master.
When one of the UK's leading close up magicians talks and teaches, I listen. And you should too."
- Nick Einhorn.

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