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Papa Leon's Wicked Donuts (Strawberry) Playing Cards by Wounded Corner and Cam Toner


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten


Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

After looking at any of the three Papa Leon's Wicked Donuts Playing Card tucks, you'll be craving a donut of your own. All three tucks have embossed jimmies/sprinkles, with flour and baking tray details to resemble the real thing.

  • Fully custom, from the Jokers, court cards, and Aces
  • Colored and embossed jimmies/sprinkles throughout the tuck box
  • Printed by Legends Playing Card Co on their ultra-thin Stock with viper finish

Only 850 Strawberry made

Produced by Wounded Corner and Cameron Toner of OPC

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