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Mucha Gismonda Standard Gold Edition Playing Cards by TCC


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten


Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

Gismonda is Mucha's famous work; the Byzantine cultural elements that originated in ancient Greece and were continued and developed by the Eastern Roman Empire endowed the "goddess" with a more sacred aura. The iris on Gismonda's head is the national flower of France. In Greek mythology, the iris represents the goddess of the rainbow; and the rainbow above it, like a semicircle, like a halo, bears Bernhardt's name.

  • Gorgeous pearl paper tuck box with foil
  • Full illustrations on the card face (index with no pips)
  • Luxurious metallic ink
  • Redesigned custom tuck seal
  • 52 cards+2 jokers
  • Standard poker-sized playing cards

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