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Kings Wild Americanas Murphy's Magic LTD Edition by Jackson Robinson


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Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage


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LIMITED EDITION: Only 1,500 and will NOT be reprinted.

Kings Wild is proud to release a LIMITED EDITION MURPHY'S MAGIC AMERICANAS playing card deck.

Celebrating my love of the United States and the nostalgic memories I have growing up going to 4th of July celebrations and eating way to many hot dogs. The Kings Wild Americanas Murphy's Magic Limited Edition are a beautiful deck for any table game with friends and family.

The Americana playing cards are printed by The United States Playing Card Company on crushed Casino Bee stock and traditionally cut. They have an air-cushioned finished for exceptional handling and play.

The Kings Wild Americanas Murphy's Magic Limited Edition tuck case is beautifully letter pressed by Clove St. Press with three color, red, white, and blue patriotic color scheme.

The Kings Wild Americanas Murphy's Magic Limited Edition includes an exclusive tuck case that salutes the partnership between Murphy's Magic and Kings Wild, using Murphy's blue as the background and gold as the boarder.

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