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Extreme Dean with Dean Dill Volume 2 (DVD)


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten
Dean Dill hat in den letzten 20 Jahren sein Publikum mit Münzmagie fasziniert. Viele bekannte Zauberkünstler wie auch David Copperfield und Johnny Carson wurden von Ihm in die Geheimnisse der Münzmagie eingeführt. Lernen Sie ebenfalls von einem Profi.
Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

No, you're not seeing double, Dean Dill has been extremely busy over the past four years... so busy, they had to put him on two DVDs! For two decades, Dean has been entertaining and teaching some of the finest coin magic around.
Not only is he a superb close-up artist, Dean is also a highly sought after teacher, consultant and lecturer. He has taught such people as David Copperfield and Johnny Carson.

Extreme Dean
Volume 1

Effects Include:
Call Shot
Call Shot Instant
The Dinner Napkin Pt. 1
The Dinner Napkin Pt. 2
Vanishing Matrix
Swirl Assembly
Simple Matrix with Backfire

Coin Sleights:
Heel Clip
Purse Palm
Dill Displacement
Paul Harris Steal
Fingertip Rest
Retention Vanish
Twirl Load

Dean's "Tonight Show" appearance
Overhead view explanations
Explosion Demo

Extreme Dean Volume 2

Effects Include:
No Extra's
No Extra's Instant Assembly
Coins, Glass, & Silk
The Power of 3
81 Cents
Coins Thru Table
The Tonight Show Matrix

Coin Sleights:
Heel Clip
Purse Palm
Finger Palm
Thumb Palm
Dill Displacement
Paul Harris Steal
Al Schneider Steal

Dean's Photo Album
Overhead view explanations
Dean's Box Demo

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